Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Games. Show all posts

Flippity: Engaging Interactive Learning Tools


Engage students with Flippity's interactive online learning tools. Discover free educational games, flashcards, and creative teaching resources for your classroom.

As educators, we're always searching for innovative ways to capture our students' attention and make learning more engaging. Flippity - interactive online learning tools powered by Google Sheets - offers a creative solution to enhance classroom activities and boost student participation. With Flippity, teachers can easily create custom games, flashcards, and other interactive resources to support their lessons and keep students motivated.

What is Flippity?

Flippity is a free website that transforms Google Sheets into interactive learning tools. By leveraging the power of Google Sheets, Flippity enables teachers to create custom educational resources tailored to their students' needs. The user-friendly interface and wide range of features make it an attractive option for educators looking to incorporate technology in the classroom.

Features and Tools in Flippity

Flippity offers a variety of tools to support different learning objectives:

Random Name Picker: Easily select students for participation or group assignments


Matching Game: Create interactive games to reinforce vocabulary, concepts, or facts


Typing Test: Help students improve their typing skills with customizable tests


Bingo: Generate unique bingo cards for review sessions or vocabulary practice


Flashcards: Design digital flashcards for studying and memorization


And many more creative teaching tools for various subjects

How to Use Flippity in the Classroom

Getting started with Flippity is simple. Teachers can set up a free account and begin creating activities using Google Sheets. By inputting data and customizing settings, educators can tailor resources to their specific curriculum. Flippity seamlessly integrates into lesson plans, allowing teachers to incorporate interactive elements that promote student engagement and collaboration.

Gamification is another powerful strategy that Flippity supports. By turning learning activities into games, teachers can boost motivation and encourage healthy competition among students. This approach caters to different learning styles and helps develop critical thinking and problem-solving skills.

Advantages of Using Flippity

One of the most significant benefits of Flippity is that it's completely free. This makes it accessible to teachers and students regardless of budget constraints. Additionally, Flippity resources are easy to share and can be accessed from any device with an internet connection, making it ideal for remote learning situations.

Flippity also promotes active learning and student-centered instruction. By providing interactive tools, it encourages students to take ownership of their learning and engage with the material on a deeper level. This leads to better retention and understanding of key concepts.

Real-World Examples and Success Stories

Numerous teachers have successfully implemented Flippity in their classrooms with positive results. For example, a middle school science teacher used Flippity's Matching Game to help students learn complex vocabulary terms. The interactive format made the material more approachable and led to improved quiz scores.

Another educator utilized Flippity's Random Name Picker to ensure equal participation during class discussions. This simple tool helped create a more inclusive classroom environment where all students had the opportunity to contribute.

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

  1. Is Flippity free to use?
  2. Yes, Flippity is completely free for teachers and students. There are no hidden costs or subscription fees.
  3. Do I need to be tech-savvy to use Flippity?
  4. Not at all! Flippity is designed to be user-friendly and requires only basic knowledge of Google Sheets. The website provides tutorials and templates to help you get started.
  5. Can I use Flippity for remote learning?
  6. Absolutely. Flippity resources can be easily shared with students via a link, making it perfect for distance learning situations.
  7. Are Flippity activities suitable for all grade levels?

Flippity offers a wide range of tools that can be adapted for various age groups and subjects. Whether you teach elementary, middle, or high school, you can find ways to incorporate Flippity into your lessons.

As technology continues to shape the future of education, tools like Flippity will play an increasingly important role in engaging students and enhancing learning outcomes. By embracing interactive resources and gamification techniques, teachers can transform their classrooms into dynamic spaces where students are excited to learn and grow.

Tcher Mage

Aplikasi Learning + Quest Game yang comfirm 100% menarik tumpuan murid



Dear Educators,

Hope everyone is doing great. Di sini saya nak memperkenalkan satu aplikasi yang sangat menarik dan very interaktif. Murid confirm akan menyukai dan akan sentiasa menanti-nanti kelas kita. Murid comfirm akan bermain berkali-kali dan mengingati apa yang dipelajarinya. Bukan murid sahaja, malah kita pun akan jadi addicted. Saya pernah main nonstop selama 2 jam. 

Aplikasi ini adalah gabungan games + kuiz ( games+ Quizzi + Kahoot). Di sini murid akan bermain sambil belajar. Terdapat pelbagai games pilihan dan setiap games ada beberapa level dengan tahap kesukarannya. Aplikasi ini dipangil Blooket. Aplikasi web based, so kita tak perlu download atau install. Boleh guna laptop/ handphone untuk aplikasi ini. Very user friendly. 

Pengajar hanya perlu create soalan dan  save as a game. KIta ada pilihan samada untuk assign sesuatu games tu sebagai homework atau boleh play secara live dengan pelajar sewaktu PdPr melalui applikasi seperti Zoom/Team/Google Meet. . Link  atau code homework bolehlah kita sharekan di Google Classroom atau di media media lain seperti Whatsapp/Telegram dan sebagainya.

Jom tengokkan stepnya.

Step 1:

Klik pautan link applikasi atau sarch "Blooket" di Google searh.

Untuk guru,  first time kita perlu sign up dan login. Boleh guna gmail untuk sign up atau secara manual. Murid tak perlu sign up, mereka hanya perlukan link atau code daripada kita. Unless, murid mengunakan handphone dia perlu sign up n login untuk main. Untuk yang mengunakan laptop/pc/tab tak perlu sign up, terus klik link atau code untuk play game.

Step 2: Menu Discover

Di bahagian ini, kita boleh buat carian set soalan-soalan sedia ada yang telah dibuat oleh guru-guru yang lain.

Pilih satu set soalan dan assign sebagai homework atau host live game sewaktu kelas online kita

Pilih satu game mode

HW- untuk assign homework

Host- untuk kita jalankan live game dengan pelajar-pelajar kita.

Step 3: Menu Create

Kalau kita tak dapat set soalan yang dikehendaki, kita create satu set mengikut keperluan kita. Best kalau kita create sendiri, boleh add gambar, letak timing, boleh buat banyak soalan.

kalau ada set soalan-soalan di Quizlet boleh import terus atau kita create secara manual. Semua set yg kita create akan tersimpan dalam dashboard kita.

Seperti Quizzi, kita boleh lihat report assigment atau live game yang dimain oleh murid. seperti:

1.bilangan yang menjawab

2.Jawapan yang betul

3.Jawapan yang salah

dan sebagainya.

Anda boleh explore dengan sendiri atau lihat video tutorial ini untuk mengetahui kesemua features dan fungsinya. 

Selamat Mencuba

With Luv,
Tcher Mage